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Market Intelligence

Many of our projects involve determining the viability of a potential healthcare investment.  With the critical experience in the healthcare market, our team of experts provide the insight from the local level that is necessary to accurately assess many factors that will determine the likelihood of success.  

Our experts include physicians, administrators, distribution specialists, insurance and coding professionals and real estate experts.  We quickly analyze the viability for your potential healthcare investment, outline the most likely outcomes and make expert recommendations on how to proceed.

Discussing the Numbers

Medical Real Estate

Since the founding of Healthcare Capital Strategies, we have been engaged to help investors locate, acquire and upgrade medical real estate.  

Looking for quality medical properties in which to place your investment capital?  Through our market intelligence, we consistently have leads on high quality medical buildings.  Already have medical properties that you want to ensure thrive in the changing healthcare market?  We have a variety of programs we recommend that can improve tenant structure, boost reimbursement potential or facilitate a tenant upgrade.


Project Planning

Providing an effective strategy for successfully implementing a project is another area in which our diverse healthcare focused team is particularly adept.

Have a great healthcare related project that is in need of funding?  We have a wide variety of high quality capital sources and the strategies to use them most effectively.  Are you seeking to open a new healthcare facility and need to recruit the best medical professionals?  We are directly connected to many of them throughout the country.  Need to improve the reimbursement potential for your healthcare organization?  We have the understanding of billing and coding and the relationships with leading insurance payors to make it happen.

Blueprint Design
Projects: Projects
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Nationwide Presence

Access to High Quality Healthcare Markets Across the Country

Our team of consultants have completed projects throughout the country.  With comprehensive knowledge of the critical factors determining the course of healthcare delivery in each unique market and direct access to key decision makers at all levels, our team has helped to ensure that our clients choose the best possible avenues for investment.  Whether you need market intelligence, leads into high quality healthcare organizations, partnerships with the key players in the market, or coordination for your transaction on site, we provide the insight and the track record to ensure the success of your project.

Projects: About
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