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Who We Are

Clinical Expertise for your Project

Healthcare Capital Strategies was founded on a simple belief, that to successfully invest and grow in the ever changing healthcare market requires a specialized team that is directly involved in the day to day operations of medicine.  To often, great ideas are lost and investment dollars are misplaced due to lack of relevant information about the healthcare industry.  We designed our team to bridge that knowledge gap by bringing together top healthcare, investment and financial professionals into a specialized team that could finally put all of the pieces together.  

Our team has a track record of success in uncovering the unique aspects of each particular deal on which we are engaged and putting together a the best possible plan to benefit investors, practitioners and patients.  We have worked on a variety of healthcare related transactions in many different capacities.  Our projects range from market intelligence on a potential healthcare mergers and acquisition, facilitating the sale of medical real estate on behalf of a healthcare organization, helping to fund, license and open a specialty surgery center, locating alternative capital sources for various medical related projects and helping with finance and tax strategies for maximizing return on different investments and projects.

About Us: About

Our mission is to empower both investors and healthcare organizations to form unique partnerships which result in the highest quality patient care.

We connect high quality capital with proven healthcare professionals and provide them with the strategies to facilitate rapid growth. This growth will help to ensure patient access to the best possible practitioners, technologies and treatment options.

About Us: About
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